Sunday, April 3, 2011

Do you Know How many We Got?

Types of Web Portals.
Personal Portal.
A personal portal is a webpage which consists various media including videos, audios, graphics, and links to other WebPages. It can be accessed by anyone who may found it and is able to be used without restrictions and obstacles. This portal shows the resources of where the links and authors that have been contributing to the portal itself. Gadgets are paramount in this type of portal because it makes the usage goes smoothly and interesting to the users.
News Portal.
          Like personal portal, News Portal is a type of portal that consists various links to other web pages which are under its own objectives. Users can view carious pages consist of different issues and stories, games, or general information which are updated and up-to-date to the time being. This type of portal has graphics, audios and images which are used a lot in entertaining the surfers of the internet so they will not be bored by just reading the words.
Government Web Portal.
          In this type of portal, it does have images, audios and graphics, but they are restricted and controlled by the administrator so that it would be much more appropriate to the surfers since the surfers whom use this type of webpage are people who have importance and own objectives. Certain links are restricted to only members of the portal or organization and may not be accessed by among-lay person easily.
Corporate Web Portal.
          Corporate Web Portal is a type of portal that contain many buttons and links for users to navigate themselves throughout the pages in order to make their usage goes easier. This portal is accessed by people who have the ID and PASSWORD for the login and extra access to the portal’s usage.

Stock Portal.
          This portal contain lots of images,audios,videos, and graphics fur users to view the stock exchange. Administrator of this portal restricts the navigation and access for the users because the information viewed is fixed and cannot be changed by irresponsible people.
Tender’s Portal.
          Similar to Stock Portal, this type of portal contains texts, buttons and links for users to navigate themselves throughout the webpages.But, in this portal, the users can change their own profile and account so that they can negotiate the business easier.

Hosted Web Portal.
          Hosted web portal is a portal which contains less images,audios and graphics but there are still of their existence with specific purposes. Hosted Web Portal is a portal which could be accessed by certain people who have the mission and own objectives.
Domain Specific Portal.
            Links and buttons for navigations are paramount in this portal because Domain Specific Portal is only accessible by people who have relations with it. Like Solicitor’s Webpage, only lawyers and Law workers are permitted to access the webpage. Media part is also controlled to keep and maintain their professionalism. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011


No one can escape from this condition even for a single second in their life.

Stress is usually caused by a factor called stimuli which to be influenced by surroundings,work,pressure,friends,dilemmas and etc...
If stress is not prevented, it can lead to the condition of what we call as BURNOUT.
The term itself can makes us shiver from the top of our head to the sole of our feet...

Below are some of the examples of stress faces that were able to be captured.




Fortunately, you hae to worry no more because every problem has its solution. Lets practice these methods below in our lives to manage stress so that we can be more productive and live our life to the fullest.

Deep Breathing: When you're facing a stressful situation, you can reduce your stress simply by deep breathing. Deep breathing involves not only the lungs, but also the abdomen. To experience abdominal breathing, sit comfortably with your back straight. Put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Inhale through your nose and the hand on your stomach should begin to rise. Your other hand should move very little. Exhale as much air as you can while contracting your abdominal muscles. Once again, the hand on your stomach should move in as you exhale, but your other hand should move very little.

Progressive Relaxation: You can combine deep breathing with the controlled contracting and relaxing of muscles to achieve an additional level of relief from stress: To experience progressive relaxation, loosen your clothing and get comfortable. Tighten the muscles in your toes. Hold for a count of 10. Relax and enjoy the release of tensionFlex the muscles in your feet. Hold for a count of 10. Relax. Move slowly up through your body--legs, abdomen, back, neck, face--contracting and relaxing muscles as you go. Breathe deeply and slowly.

Meditation: When you meditate you bring together all of the mind's energies and focus them on a word, a sound, a symbol, a comforting image, or you.
r own breathing. People typically meditate sitting on the floor or in a chair with their eyes closed in a quiet, clean place. All meditation practices involve the development of mindfulness--being fully engaged in whatever is happening in the present moment, without analyzing or otherwise "over-thinking" the experience

Cardiovascular exercise: If you're trying to manage or relieve stress, you should try working up a sweat on a regular basis because vigorous exercise helps the mind as much as it benefits the body. You can start with as little as 15 minutes, twice a week. However, 20 to 60 minutes, five or more times a week is recommended for optimal stress management.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Teaching Children.Its going to be Wild.

Teaching is different if we look on it according to different levels of people. Factors of proficiency, age contribute to the learning of people these days with modern technologies and even from our ancestors' time. Children and adults learn in such varied way. Lets look on the differences between both of these.

Intellectual Development.
First thing to be remembered in teaching children, you as a teacher should not even explain about something which is abstract.These young children will not cope with your teaching and nothing will benefits them at the end of the day. Tell and teach them something which they can see in front of their very eyes, something which is concrete and touchable in order for them to internalize the concept in their mind. In contrast to adults, they can cope with any theories which they do not even know of their existence, they will just internalize them as a whole because they already have the experience of imagining and understanding something which is abstract.

.Attention Span.


Images,colors,audio,physical materials, and etc...are very important to children. They will be able to focus better in classroom learning. Its simple, children always imagining something which is abstract and absurd.So, with these classroom teaching aids, children will be able to learn far more better and comprehend their learning greatly.Different from adults who can focus even though they are not provided with all of those things in their learning They give attention because they are more intrinsically motivated in learning process itself that eventually will benefits them in the future time.

Sensory Input.

Children have to be fed with animations and colors that will enlighten their world and at the same time enhance their learning. They give more attention if they are taught alongside with the existence of materials that are interesting. Adults in learning process otherwise do not have to be with these interesting materials as much as children do, but for your information, these materials do help in learning even in adult category.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Significance of Colors in Teaching.

All of us were born in this world with a different attraction to particular colors. This choices that we made when we were child is the result of influences form our genes, our past memories,religion, culture and surroundings. Colors are important to create significant mental pictures to learners especially children.

Children, are mostly attracted to bright colors and oftenly, children who does not have the ability to utter speeches may draw with various bright colors on a paper...Eager to know why they do that??

This is because.....Colors influence children's ambiance and how they feel. Bright colors indicate that children are oftentimes happy and free form problems...

Below are the meanings of Colors and how they affects children.

Shades of blue can actually slow down one's heart rate.

 Shades of red can actually increase one's heart rate
too much red can be downright distracting.

The use of black and white as a color scheme may lower IQ or make children more "dull"

The careful use of bold colors such as red or orange may increase IQ

 cool hues such as blue, are relaxing. 

Green is often associated with fertility.

Children likes yellow but tend to lose interest in the process of maturity.

As infants, we are drawn to or repulsed by certain colors.  We learn to communicate through color before our language skills are developed.  In fact, color connects both the right and left hemispheres of the brain allowing both gestalt and analytic learners to interact and master specific tasks.  There is a great deal of research that has captured how we interact with color, its impact on our decision making process and color's importance on our existence.  There are even websites dedicated to art, the interior decorating industry, and cultural issues with chat rooms dedicated to discussing "mood" colors.  The one questions most often asked and the least answered is, "What is the color of learning?"  Is there such a thing as a "learning color?"
Color, more than any of the other senses, draws on both symbolic and cognitive powers to affect learning. Writing in a provocative piece entitled "Hue and Eye," art historian, Louisa Buck probes the intimate relationship between the artist's signature color (such as Van Gogh's yellow) and his or her message and meaning. For Van Gogh, yellow became an obsession, and he often wrote about seeking the "high yellow note," a quest to paint life in scenes of both health and disease.  For Van Gogh, and for the youngsters in your classroom, color conveys more than just…color.
Color is everywhere, and imagining life without color is difficult and depressing.  Color is part of our vision, our language, our art and our folklore. It is part of what we learn and how we learn it.  Yet, as teachers, we know pitifully little about the use of color.  Should we know more?  Yes.

One might expect artists and poets to concern themselves with color, but what about teachers, administrator and facilities planners?  We have even more evidence to suggest an investigation of the use of color in all learning environments, especially when young, impressionable children are involved.  There's an important reason why.
The collective research over the past decade suggests that children today are developing awesome capabilities in their right cerebral hemispheres "at the expense" of the left-hemisphere skills.  Apparently, children have been immersed in visual imagery, such as television and video and are therefore quite adept at using the neural systems that carry this kind of information.  On the other hand, they have become weak in skills that demand left-hemisphere strengths, such as the ability to "translate a narrative from a book in to a visual image in the mind."  The home environment has changed substantially.  Video (right brain) is king, while books and stories (left brain language) have been neglected.  The result, for classroom teachers, may be children who have difficulty in taking the time or harnessing the skills involved in many language-heavy, left-brain draining activities. We seize the power of the visual and need to use color to stimulate learning.  By using color carefully, we may be able to use visual imagery to coax more left-brain language activity.  Admittedly, it is an inexact science; more of an art, but definitely worth a try!
For starters, try to use color to create a learning environment that is both aesthetically pleasing and useful for achieving the kinds of teaching and learning that you would want as well as the educators, administration and last, but not least, the students themselves.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Steps towards Better Language learning of all Ages.

There are some factors that we ourselves do not realize which are blocking our path ingaining or acquiring language. Have you ever thought of why you cannotlearn,remember and put it into your mind of what you have read before? Looking at the fact that you are really good in mathematics, science or other subject that requires rigorous thinking, but you can hardly remember the arrangement of your target language sentences...

Come and see what factors can assist you in learning language.

Throw away your fear. - Do not be afraid in trying to communicate or conveying of what you have in your mind. Bear in your thoughts that everything you said in learning second language is considered as “interlanguage” which means it shows your progression in learning the target language.

Dare to take risks- in learning foreign language, one should keep it inside their mind that in order to be a successful learner of language, he must have the bravery to try something even though he himself is unsure about the particular question he want to ask to the teacher or to communicate with unstructured grammatical order. He will gain the right knowledge if he took the opportunity and overcome the risks.

Try to build your own self-confidence- you must trust yourself that everything that you are trying to do in learning language will help you getting nearer the perfect language usage. Nothing to be ashamed of if people around you are laughing at you because you made mistakes in using the language. It is up to you and if you don’t have the confidence in trying to use the language, you will absolutely gain nothing.
Set your inner goals in learning second language- Do not think learning second language as a burden to you. Think of something else that can make you want to learn second language like fluent communication that can be achieved where you can use the language you have acquired among your other peers. It would be a satisfaction if you can communicate fluently with accurate meanings and can be understood by people around.

Do work in groups or pairs and others- this seemingly to be very beneficial towards students but it is them that still do not realize about it. Try to take an approach to do works in the condition where other people are striving for the same thing you are. This is because the exchange of knowledge happens and one can give better perceptions and opinions which can improve your understanding about something that you already know or maybe add up to things that you don’t know.

Change your thinking method, use right brain part as much as you left brain. - try to not be so rigid in your learning. Let things go naturally without considering the fact that whether things you are doing right or wrong. Just go with the flow and be as creative as you can in classroom. Use your instinct in learning, be brave and try to not over analyze things you want to learn.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Analyzing Poem using SPECS and SLIMS

Blessing by Imtiaz Dharker

The skin cracks like a pod.
There never is enough water.

Imagine the drip of it,
the small splash, echo
in a tin mug,
the voice of a kindly god.

Sometimes, the sudden rush
of fortune. The municipal pipe bursts,
silver crashes to the ground
and the flow has found
a roar of tongues. From the huts,
a congregation : every man woman
child for streets around
butts in, with pots,
brass, copper, aluminium,
plastic buckets,
frantic hands,

and naked children
screaming in the liquid sun,
their highlights polished to perfection,
flashing light,
as the blessing sings
over their small bones.

Poem Analysis


As what I understand after reading this poem thoroughly, I can see that the poet herself wants to tell readers that the importance of water differs to different social classes of people. In this poem, she always compare water to precious things as silver , and create other senses so readers can see that the poet herself putting stress on the subject of water in sub-urban areas where the source and amount of water is limited and keeps making people fighting for it. Seems to be under the hot sunlight and vast area where the poet herself describes the situation and surroundings in this poem.


There are several themes in this poem that could be identified, but the most appealing theme in this poem is the value of water itself to people. The area and part of the world that are going through this state of problem would be at the sub-urban areas where there are no or less the piping system, wells and water source such as Africa, Mexico and other places where poverty occurs. Can be seen in this poem that the poet cherish and put herself in the situation as if she is living in the same surroundings as these people which are having crisis in water. The preciousness and value of water is high to people that don’t have the access of water like in the city area.

Emotion of poet.

The emotion of the poem at the beginning of the poem can be described as being sad and empathy. She felt sad by seeing people with not enough water in their body walking around and do works like normal people regardless to the fact that they need sufficient amount of water in their bodies to stay alive. In the first two lines, we can see the poet being sympathy to those people and even compared those people’s state of skin to dry seedpod that has cracks around them. As it goes down, the emotion of poet seems to be relieved that when she stated that those people have gotten their water supply and at the last stanza in this poem, happiness can be identified in poet’s emotion because she stated that those children happily playing with water and take bath with it.


This poem does not have regular numbers of lines in it. Because we can see that lines in each stanza are different.2-4-11-6, the type of this poem is narrative and the poet herself tells the story as if she is in the same situation or being empathy to those people. Next would be the use of language by the poet. The language used is somehow predictable because she herself had stated clearly the description of a person that is in the condition of water insufficient like dry skin. Words like “drip” and “splash” shows the characteristic of liquid or specifically, water. In this case, she stressed on the sense of hearing. Normally, people will ignore the sounds of water flowing from a higher place and falls to the ground, but she had wrote so that readers could imagine the sound of water, how it is appreciated by those people. Other than that, we can see the usage of simile in the first sentence when the poet compared the skin to a pod, which at the moment were having the same condition, which is dry. The word “like” shows the equality to both dry skin and dry seed pod. “The sudden rush of fortune” shows the usage of personification. Human do rush to somewhere or doing works in limited amount of time. But for water (fortune), it only flows from a place to another. The usage of ‘rush” shows that the poet wants to emphasize the coming of good things and changes in those poor people. Apart of that, “a roar of tongues shows that those people in poverty shouting and yelling as soon as the water supply arrived.” Also, the usage of symbolism could be found used many times in this poem. “Fortune”, “silver”, “blessing”, “small bones” symbolize water and human body (“small bones”).


Based on the poem that has been analyzed, can be seen clearly that the poet was trying to emphasize on the importance of water to people in another part of the world which have very limited access to water. She did stress on the hardship of those people to obtain water supply and their reaction as soon as they got water supply. Happiness of those people and how water is appreciated much by them in order for them to survive in this world to do basic living like taking bath, water for drinking and cooking.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Survival Techniques.

Knowledge without practices Gives you almost nothing.

Have you ever imagined in your dream before that you were in some kind of horrendous terrain,
without even single protection and nowhere to head to?

Surviving is not a thing that all of us can do spontaneously without knowing the basic knowledge and having the right preparations in getting over the obstacles and treacherous earth
that awaits us ahead.
Yes,some might say they can do it confidently. But, living with lost limbs and body parts is far different from being as we were before we got into the disaster. Considering the facts that we have dangerous parts on our earth and animals as factors in determining how safe we are at the moment and how well we were to be in the end of it.

Below are the steps and preventing measures in getting over the deadly situations. They are actually the basic steps surviving in the wilderness of earth.

  1. Fire : It can be a foe, but in surviving, it will always be considered as friend, in fact, we have to have fire almost all the time in surviving or otherwise, the chances to live and get home safely will be as minute as it can be. With fire, you can boil water, terminate away all the E-Coli bacterias that are roaming in it which highly possible in making you sick, get sicker day by day, hour after another, and probably die due to them. Also, no matter how dangerous animals in the wild as lions, crocodiles, tigers, hyenas, snakes and other animals with fangs and venoms which are waiting to bring you down, they will never be able to face fire themselves. It would be a guardian and protection for you and others in the wild.
  2. Shelter or hiding place: since this factor is among the important reasons for one to stay alive, lets take a look of what it does and how it helps human in surviving the rough nature. Shelter as we all know are medium that commonly known used to protect our body from being stung or bitten by dangerous animals in the wild. In jungles or vast places where you have no common sources as you could find in the modern civilization like plastic, PVC or hard mattress that can cover your body, you can use what god gives you, like piles of branches and logs which you can cut from the trees around in the jungle. Make sure that you cover the floor of the shelter that you have build with things that can prevent animals from entering it.
3. Water: the mix of hydrogen and oxygen, which creates the water particles are very vital for human body. Human cannot stand even 2 days without water. As soon as the period ends, it is whether he will collapse and faint or total death. It is to be importantly informed to backpackers and mountain hikers to bring their own bottles of drinking water because water in jungles and deserts contain bacteria that can cause severe harm to human being. Filled with animals’ droppings and dead carcasses, surely the water is not suitable for human. If the situation could not be avoided, start a fire and find a container which can be filled with water to boil it. This process will totally terminate the existence of bacteria and viruses in the water.
4. Mentally Prepared: This factor cannot be seen, but has been approved to be true in survival of human in tough situations. Brain tends to affects our body to be resistant to all of the rough situations. One, who thinks he or she cannot struggle until the end will result in failure and one who thinks that he or she can move forward and keep on living, will achieve the success of finding his or her way home. Stressor, which is a negative stimuli will cause stress on a person and he or she will die due to fear, hunger and fatigue of the situations. These stimuli can be manipulated if one thinks that he or she will live and find way home.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Modernization saves you, Modernization kills you.
Quite ironic isn’t it?
The same term that has been helping human society and generations from eons to another also kills human being at the same time.
As quoted by Sai Baba, “Give a fish to a man, and he will eat it for the whole day. But if you teach fish to a man, he will eat for the whole lifetime.”
Just imagine if you learn to create something without considering its effects to the world, that would be the same as killing yourself. View pictures below to see what we have done to ourselves.

Whale slaughtering that have been practiced widely around the world. Known for their body fats, soups and being used as talisman to certain people.

Another massive activity done in certain countries in HARVESTING whales for their meat and body fats

Plastic bags, undegradeable products made by US, human, being thrown and eaten by turtles in the sea, can cause suffocation and possibility in causing DEATH to them.

Now, lets go deeper in seeing whale being poached and hunted. This might be slightly gruesome, but we have to see the truth of what is happening around us.

Curing might be hard, but it is also must be done before its too late. Save our ecosystem and planet, save our generation, save our lives, save our soul, people!!

Below are steps that we have to approach in order to achieve success in protecting and preserving our nature.

  • 75% of all fisheries are fully exploited or over-fished. Species like cod, haddock and halibut are already threatened. If we do not move towards sustainable use, there will be no fish left for our grandchildren.
  • Roads, factories and housing destroy habitats for animals and plants. If urban and rural development continues to ignore nature, our surroundings will be dominated by concrete and pollution.
  • The usage of undegradeable products have to be reduced and if possible, terminate their usages, that would be better for our future lives.
  • Report any pollution that are done by irresponsible factories or anybody to the law.
  • Be more matured when buying products so that if we are thinking if disposing them, we dont have to think twice....
  • Teach biodiversity and harmony to student in schools around the world so that they will not be careless when they grow up.
  • Put posters and banners showing pictures of dead animals, being tortured or killed by human being.

These are some of the steps we can conduct in saving our nature.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Air That I Breathe.

Have you ever been to a marathon or a running competition before?Ever wonder why you chest was thumping non-stop at that particular moment in your life?Lets take a look a little bit deeper in the science of human anatomy.

As what you can see above, this is the cross section of a pair of human lungs.This is where the exchange of carbon dioxide, CO2 and oxygen,O2 takes place every and each seconds of our life in making sure that oxygen, O2 is transferred throughout the whole parts of body.

The most important part in lungs are the alveolus, where This exchange of gases is accomplished. To make this happen, lets see how air travels from the outer side of the body and into our lungs and at the same time, take note on the names of parts which are involved in this process.

  1. Mouth/nose - the first part of the entering of air. Either are used to inhale air.
  2. Human Pharynx - is the part of the throat situated immediately posterior to (behind) the mouth and nasal cavity, and cranial, or superior, to the esophagus, larynx, and trachea.
  3. Nasopharynx - is the uppermost part of the pharynx.
  4. Larynx- This part is waht we commonly know as the voice box on our throat. Its purposes are to protect the trachea and producing sounds.
  5. Vertebrate trachea- the tube or called windpipe, is a tube or passageway that connect pharynx and larynx to the lungs to flow the air.
  6. A Bronchus/ bronchi - are the passages of airway that conducts the air from the trachea to the lungs.
  7. Bronchiole - These are the next stage and they are smaller than bronchi, they also conduct the air to flow into the lungs. Bronchiole is just a step before breathings takes place.
  8. Alveolus - this is the part where oxygen that is produced from trees is converted into carbon dioxide and then transferred back to the outer body of all mammals in the world, including us, human being.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Biggest Star in our Solar System, The Sun.

Ever Wonder How It Gives Benefit To us Rather Than Emitting Hot Ray Everyday?

Have you ever stumbled upon devices that do not even need batteries to operate and instead, they use ray that is emitted and intelligently the ray being converted into priceless and pollution-less type of energy? If you have not, you can always try yo check your ordinary calculator that you got in your house and observe the black panel at the on top of the calculator. It may has several partitions in the panel itself. That's what we call the SOLAR PANEL.

This what the amazing SOLAR PANEL looks like;

Those black panel or as what known as solar panel has its own name. It is called by the name Photovoltaics (PV). How it works? SIMPLE.


Sunlight which is emitted by the sun being generated into electrical power by converting radiation from our biggest star, The Sun into Direct Current electric (DC) . Some of materials which are used in creating Photovoltaics are monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride, and copper indium selenide/sulfide.

This tremendously intelligent creation makes us another step ahead in preserving our world from pollution that we ourselves and our ancestors have done in the past and present time. Though it takes more effort and money in making the solar energy to be used widely around the world, it is worth the effect to human being ourselves.

These things above are what we need the most in our life and can be achieved by using Solar powered energy.