Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Air That I Breathe.

Have you ever been to a marathon or a running competition before?Ever wonder why you chest was thumping non-stop at that particular moment in your life?Lets take a look a little bit deeper in the science of human anatomy.

As what you can see above, this is the cross section of a pair of human lungs.This is where the exchange of carbon dioxide, CO2 and oxygen,O2 takes place every and each seconds of our life in making sure that oxygen, O2 is transferred throughout the whole parts of body.

The most important part in lungs are the alveolus, where This exchange of gases is accomplished. To make this happen, lets see how air travels from the outer side of the body and into our lungs and at the same time, take note on the names of parts which are involved in this process.

  1. Mouth/nose - the first part of the entering of air. Either are used to inhale air.
  2. Human Pharynx - is the part of the throat situated immediately posterior to (behind) the mouth and nasal cavity, and cranial, or superior, to the esophagus, larynx, and trachea.
  3. Nasopharynx - is the uppermost part of the pharynx.
  4. Larynx- This part is waht we commonly know as the voice box on our throat. Its purposes are to protect the trachea and producing sounds.
  5. Vertebrate trachea- the tube or called windpipe, is a tube or passageway that connect pharynx and larynx to the lungs to flow the air.
  6. A Bronchus/ bronchi - are the passages of airway that conducts the air from the trachea to the lungs.
  7. Bronchiole - These are the next stage and they are smaller than bronchi, they also conduct the air to flow into the lungs. Bronchiole is just a step before breathings takes place.
  8. Alveolus - this is the part where oxygen that is produced from trees is converted into carbon dioxide and then transferred back to the outer body of all mammals in the world, including us, human being.