Thursday, March 3, 2011

Steps towards Better Language learning of all Ages.

There are some factors that we ourselves do not realize which are blocking our path ingaining or acquiring language. Have you ever thought of why you cannotlearn,remember and put it into your mind of what you have read before? Looking at the fact that you are really good in mathematics, science or other subject that requires rigorous thinking, but you can hardly remember the arrangement of your target language sentences...

Come and see what factors can assist you in learning language.

Throw away your fear. - Do not be afraid in trying to communicate or conveying of what you have in your mind. Bear in your thoughts that everything you said in learning second language is considered as “interlanguage” which means it shows your progression in learning the target language.

Dare to take risks- in learning foreign language, one should keep it inside their mind that in order to be a successful learner of language, he must have the bravery to try something even though he himself is unsure about the particular question he want to ask to the teacher or to communicate with unstructured grammatical order. He will gain the right knowledge if he took the opportunity and overcome the risks.

Try to build your own self-confidence- you must trust yourself that everything that you are trying to do in learning language will help you getting nearer the perfect language usage. Nothing to be ashamed of if people around you are laughing at you because you made mistakes in using the language. It is up to you and if you don’t have the confidence in trying to use the language, you will absolutely gain nothing.
Set your inner goals in learning second language- Do not think learning second language as a burden to you. Think of something else that can make you want to learn second language like fluent communication that can be achieved where you can use the language you have acquired among your other peers. It would be a satisfaction if you can communicate fluently with accurate meanings and can be understood by people around.

Do work in groups or pairs and others- this seemingly to be very beneficial towards students but it is them that still do not realize about it. Try to take an approach to do works in the condition where other people are striving for the same thing you are. This is because the exchange of knowledge happens and one can give better perceptions and opinions which can improve your understanding about something that you already know or maybe add up to things that you don’t know.

Change your thinking method, use right brain part as much as you left brain. - try to not be so rigid in your learning. Let things go naturally without considering the fact that whether things you are doing right or wrong. Just go with the flow and be as creative as you can in classroom. Use your instinct in learning, be brave and try to not over analyze things you want to learn.