Sunday, March 27, 2011


No one can escape from this condition even for a single second in their life.

Stress is usually caused by a factor called stimuli which to be influenced by surroundings,work,pressure,friends,dilemmas and etc...
If stress is not prevented, it can lead to the condition of what we call as BURNOUT.
The term itself can makes us shiver from the top of our head to the sole of our feet...

Below are some of the examples of stress faces that were able to be captured.




Fortunately, you hae to worry no more because every problem has its solution. Lets practice these methods below in our lives to manage stress so that we can be more productive and live our life to the fullest.

Deep Breathing: When you're facing a stressful situation, you can reduce your stress simply by deep breathing. Deep breathing involves not only the lungs, but also the abdomen. To experience abdominal breathing, sit comfortably with your back straight. Put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Inhale through your nose and the hand on your stomach should begin to rise. Your other hand should move very little. Exhale as much air as you can while contracting your abdominal muscles. Once again, the hand on your stomach should move in as you exhale, but your other hand should move very little.

Progressive Relaxation: You can combine deep breathing with the controlled contracting and relaxing of muscles to achieve an additional level of relief from stress: To experience progressive relaxation, loosen your clothing and get comfortable. Tighten the muscles in your toes. Hold for a count of 10. Relax and enjoy the release of tensionFlex the muscles in your feet. Hold for a count of 10. Relax. Move slowly up through your body--legs, abdomen, back, neck, face--contracting and relaxing muscles as you go. Breathe deeply and slowly.

Meditation: When you meditate you bring together all of the mind's energies and focus them on a word, a sound, a symbol, a comforting image, or you.
r own breathing. People typically meditate sitting on the floor or in a chair with their eyes closed in a quiet, clean place. All meditation practices involve the development of mindfulness--being fully engaged in whatever is happening in the present moment, without analyzing or otherwise "over-thinking" the experience

Cardiovascular exercise: If you're trying to manage or relieve stress, you should try working up a sweat on a regular basis because vigorous exercise helps the mind as much as it benefits the body. You can start with as little as 15 minutes, twice a week. However, 20 to 60 minutes, five or more times a week is recommended for optimal stress management.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Teaching Children.Its going to be Wild.

Teaching is different if we look on it according to different levels of people. Factors of proficiency, age contribute to the learning of people these days with modern technologies and even from our ancestors' time. Children and adults learn in such varied way. Lets look on the differences between both of these.

Intellectual Development.
First thing to be remembered in teaching children, you as a teacher should not even explain about something which is abstract.These young children will not cope with your teaching and nothing will benefits them at the end of the day. Tell and teach them something which they can see in front of their very eyes, something which is concrete and touchable in order for them to internalize the concept in their mind. In contrast to adults, they can cope with any theories which they do not even know of their existence, they will just internalize them as a whole because they already have the experience of imagining and understanding something which is abstract.

.Attention Span.


Images,colors,audio,physical materials, and etc...are very important to children. They will be able to focus better in classroom learning. Its simple, children always imagining something which is abstract and absurd.So, with these classroom teaching aids, children will be able to learn far more better and comprehend their learning greatly.Different from adults who can focus even though they are not provided with all of those things in their learning They give attention because they are more intrinsically motivated in learning process itself that eventually will benefits them in the future time.

Sensory Input.

Children have to be fed with animations and colors that will enlighten their world and at the same time enhance their learning. They give more attention if they are taught alongside with the existence of materials that are interesting. Adults in learning process otherwise do not have to be with these interesting materials as much as children do, but for your information, these materials do help in learning even in adult category.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Significance of Colors in Teaching.

All of us were born in this world with a different attraction to particular colors. This choices that we made when we were child is the result of influences form our genes, our past memories,religion, culture and surroundings. Colors are important to create significant mental pictures to learners especially children.

Children, are mostly attracted to bright colors and oftenly, children who does not have the ability to utter speeches may draw with various bright colors on a paper...Eager to know why they do that??

This is because.....Colors influence children's ambiance and how they feel. Bright colors indicate that children are oftentimes happy and free form problems...

Below are the meanings of Colors and how they affects children.

Shades of blue can actually slow down one's heart rate.

 Shades of red can actually increase one's heart rate
too much red can be downright distracting.

The use of black and white as a color scheme may lower IQ or make children more "dull"

The careful use of bold colors such as red or orange may increase IQ

 cool hues such as blue, are relaxing. 

Green is often associated with fertility.

Children likes yellow but tend to lose interest in the process of maturity.

As infants, we are drawn to or repulsed by certain colors.  We learn to communicate through color before our language skills are developed.  In fact, color connects both the right and left hemispheres of the brain allowing both gestalt and analytic learners to interact and master specific tasks.  There is a great deal of research that has captured how we interact with color, its impact on our decision making process and color's importance on our existence.  There are even websites dedicated to art, the interior decorating industry, and cultural issues with chat rooms dedicated to discussing "mood" colors.  The one questions most often asked and the least answered is, "What is the color of learning?"  Is there such a thing as a "learning color?"
Color, more than any of the other senses, draws on both symbolic and cognitive powers to affect learning. Writing in a provocative piece entitled "Hue and Eye," art historian, Louisa Buck probes the intimate relationship between the artist's signature color (such as Van Gogh's yellow) and his or her message and meaning. For Van Gogh, yellow became an obsession, and he often wrote about seeking the "high yellow note," a quest to paint life in scenes of both health and disease.  For Van Gogh, and for the youngsters in your classroom, color conveys more than just…color.
Color is everywhere, and imagining life without color is difficult and depressing.  Color is part of our vision, our language, our art and our folklore. It is part of what we learn and how we learn it.  Yet, as teachers, we know pitifully little about the use of color.  Should we know more?  Yes.

One might expect artists and poets to concern themselves with color, but what about teachers, administrator and facilities planners?  We have even more evidence to suggest an investigation of the use of color in all learning environments, especially when young, impressionable children are involved.  There's an important reason why.
The collective research over the past decade suggests that children today are developing awesome capabilities in their right cerebral hemispheres "at the expense" of the left-hemisphere skills.  Apparently, children have been immersed in visual imagery, such as television and video and are therefore quite adept at using the neural systems that carry this kind of information.  On the other hand, they have become weak in skills that demand left-hemisphere strengths, such as the ability to "translate a narrative from a book in to a visual image in the mind."  The home environment has changed substantially.  Video (right brain) is king, while books and stories (left brain language) have been neglected.  The result, for classroom teachers, may be children who have difficulty in taking the time or harnessing the skills involved in many language-heavy, left-brain draining activities. We seize the power of the visual and need to use color to stimulate learning.  By using color carefully, we may be able to use visual imagery to coax more left-brain language activity.  Admittedly, it is an inexact science; more of an art, but definitely worth a try!
For starters, try to use color to create a learning environment that is both aesthetically pleasing and useful for achieving the kinds of teaching and learning that you would want as well as the educators, administration and last, but not least, the students themselves.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Steps towards Better Language learning of all Ages.

There are some factors that we ourselves do not realize which are blocking our path ingaining or acquiring language. Have you ever thought of why you cannotlearn,remember and put it into your mind of what you have read before? Looking at the fact that you are really good in mathematics, science or other subject that requires rigorous thinking, but you can hardly remember the arrangement of your target language sentences...

Come and see what factors can assist you in learning language.

Throw away your fear. - Do not be afraid in trying to communicate or conveying of what you have in your mind. Bear in your thoughts that everything you said in learning second language is considered as “interlanguage” which means it shows your progression in learning the target language.

Dare to take risks- in learning foreign language, one should keep it inside their mind that in order to be a successful learner of language, he must have the bravery to try something even though he himself is unsure about the particular question he want to ask to the teacher or to communicate with unstructured grammatical order. He will gain the right knowledge if he took the opportunity and overcome the risks.

Try to build your own self-confidence- you must trust yourself that everything that you are trying to do in learning language will help you getting nearer the perfect language usage. Nothing to be ashamed of if people around you are laughing at you because you made mistakes in using the language. It is up to you and if you don’t have the confidence in trying to use the language, you will absolutely gain nothing.
Set your inner goals in learning second language- Do not think learning second language as a burden to you. Think of something else that can make you want to learn second language like fluent communication that can be achieved where you can use the language you have acquired among your other peers. It would be a satisfaction if you can communicate fluently with accurate meanings and can be understood by people around.

Do work in groups or pairs and others- this seemingly to be very beneficial towards students but it is them that still do not realize about it. Try to take an approach to do works in the condition where other people are striving for the same thing you are. This is because the exchange of knowledge happens and one can give better perceptions and opinions which can improve your understanding about something that you already know or maybe add up to things that you don’t know.

Change your thinking method, use right brain part as much as you left brain. - try to not be so rigid in your learning. Let things go naturally without considering the fact that whether things you are doing right or wrong. Just go with the flow and be as creative as you can in classroom. Use your instinct in learning, be brave and try to not over analyze things you want to learn.